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Moments Musicaux for Violin
Modeled on the series for cello and piano, this version offers violinists a wide selection of popular works and movements spanning from the works of Bach to present day compositions. Within the series, we find recently-made transcriptions for violin and piano of well-known pieces. Following the tradition of the cello editions, the degree of difficulty (ranging from very easy to extremely difficult) appears on each item in the series, thus allowing the players to choose appropriate works to suit their technical abilities.
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian
Skrzypce i fortepian