Kodály Zoltán: Choral Works for Children's and Female Voices - Extended and revised edition

10 stycznia 2024

With his over 130 works for unaccompanied choir Zoltán Kodály laid the foundation of modern Hungarian choral literature.

This volume of works for children's and female voices is an extended and revised edition. Containing a total of 59 compositions, three of which were not included in earlier editions, it is the most complete and most authentic edition of Kodály's choral works for children's and female voices to be published thus far. It has been edited based on uniform principles, contains easy-to-read, first-rate musical scores, and includes an informative Epilogue.

The volume is available both in paperback and clothbound.

New Bárdos choral work publications in English

8 listopada 2023

Lajos Bárdos (1899-1986), composer, musicologist, teacher, and choral conductor, laid down, together with Kodály, the foundations of 20th-century Hungarian choral music.

Through his work as a conductor, he raised the standards of Hungarian choral singing to an international level in a few decades.

His compositions were directed towards cultivating Hungarian choral life: they draw on Renaissance polyphony and Hungarian folk music, following Kodály and Bartók. His works, which are models of choral writing, deal sensitively with Hungarian prosody and radiate an inner harmony and vigor.

A selection of his most popular choral works has been published with English texts by Gail Needleman in five volumes.

New contemporary works from UMPEMB

19 października 2023

Several new contemporary instrumental and choral works was published by Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest in the past months.

Discover the novelties by Zoltán Gárdonyi, Gyula Csapó, Zsolt Serei, Máté Balogh and other excellent composers.

Buzzing Polka

23 czerwca 2023

Buzzing Polka, composed in 1993, is one of the earliest compositions by László Dubrovay (*1943) for concert band, which has become a huge success due to use of special timbres and effects which had been unexploited in the genre earlier.

Already the title tells that classical musical values and surprising moments of special brass instrument techniques can be both found in the work. Every second in the striking character piece is made interesting by the excellent balance between the pillar-like harmonies enriched by distant overtones and horizontal melody formation.

Performing Buzzing Polka is a great opportunity for conveying the message and values of the music of the 20th and 21st centuries through the contrast between classical melodies and new ways of instrumentation.

After Mozart

4 maja 2023

László Dubrovay's work, written in 2006, on the 250th anniversary of Mozart's birth, is a salute of a 21st-century composer to one of the greatest geniuses in the history of music.

The composer builds his original ideas on one of the best-known melodies of The Marriage of Figaro (Figaro's aria: ''Non pi? andrai, farfallone amoroso''). The series of variations on the theme of the aria is created by the involvement of special instruments, and by fully harnessing their technical abilities, while Dubrovay's hallmark of a perfect balance and peculiar compositional tone is realised on an exceptionally large orchestra.

The work is suited to illustrate the potentials of crossovers between different periods in the history of music, but it can also be played at a festive, thematic concert.