Részletes keresés
Daniel-Lesur, Jean-Yves: Permis de Sejour Basse-Piano
Dao, Nguyen Thien: A Mi K Giao Tranh Contrebasse Seule
de Assis, Gilson: Baiao & Northeastern Brazilian Rhythms
melody instruments (in C, or in Bb, or in Eb, or in bass clef)
Debussy, Claude: Golliwogg's Cakewalk
from ''Children's Corner''
Debussy, Claude: La Mer
3 symphonic sketches
Claude Debussy's La Mer is an impressionistic work through and through. The three symphonic sketches that make up the work were composed between 1903-1905, however Debussy refined this work upuntil at least 1913. These corrections are found in a score which the composer gave…
Debussy, Claude: Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun
for Orchestra
Scholarly critical edition with many corrections in the score and orchestral parts.
Clear presentation of orchestral parts in an enlarged format, 25.5 cm x 32.5 cm.
''Prélude A L’Aprés-Midi D’UnFaune'', often referred to as the first composition of the ''modern'' era…
Debussy, Claude: Premiere Rhapsodie
for Orchestra with Solo Clarinet in B-flat
Debussy’s Premiere Rhapsodie is one of two concertante works completed, premiered and published during his lifetime. He was commissioned to write it in 1909 for the final examination at the Paris Conservatoire in 1910. Debussyorchestrated it in the summer of 1911. While…
Diatonic Major and Minor Scales For Bass
Distler, Hugo: Nun danket all und bringet Ehr
Small Chorale Cantata
Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von: 2. Konzert (Ausgabe in D-Dur)
für Kontrabass und Orchester
Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von: Concerto in E major
Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von: Concerto in E major
Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von: Double Bass Concerto in 'E major' Krebs 172
(Glöckler, Tobias)
Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von: Konzert E-Dur Krebs 172
for double bass and orchestra
Donatoni, Franco: Lem. 2 pezzi per Cb.
Dotzauer Friedrich: Etudes. Arranged for contrabass by Georgi Ivanov
Double Bass Sight-Reading
A fresh approach
Downes, Mike: The Bass Line Book
This is a comprehensive approach to the construction of improvised bass lines. Intended for beginners and professionals alike, the book deals with playing in '2', creating walking bass lines, 3/4 time, using a 'broken feel',modal and slash-chord harmony, ballads, and much more…
Downie, Gordon: Micro-ludes
Dragonetti, Domenico: 'The Famous Solo'' for Double Bass and Orchestra
Piano Reduction and Parts for Quintet
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Az oldalainkon feltüntetett árak az adott készlet erejéig érvényesek. Utánnyomás vagy új beszerzés esetén az ár módosulhat. Kóruskották esetében a feltüntetett ár 1 db-ra vonatkozik.