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Schatzkammer für Streicherensembles

Treasury for String Ensembles provides carefully selected original compositions and arrangements from the Renaissance to the twentieth century, compiled in volumes according to level of difficulty, from beginner’s level to professional.

Elementary (all in first position): typically for three violins and cello or children’s string orchestra.

Intermediate: typically for three violins and cello or string quartet or youth string orchestra.

Advanced: typically for string quartet or string quintet (with double bass) or string orchestra.

Some volumes include works that can only be performed with an orchestra. In each case, this is indicated on the title page or in the contents.

The volumes are published in both printed and digital form. The printed edition contains the score and one copy of each part. Further copies can be ordered for the purposes of orchestral performance. The digital edition can be viewed via, and the parts can also be downloaded as A4-sized PDF files. The digital edition comes free with the printed edition, using the unique code provided.

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