The journey of musical works from author to performer
The task of the music publisher is to put manuscripts (be they paper or computerised) into a form that is legible, inspiring, and easy to use for performers; and to ensure the promotion, distribution, and legal use of the works.
With 75 years of experience behind us, we do this honourable work with consideration, commitment, and enthusiasm.
We thank the composers and music teachers who entrust their works to us.
Farkas, Ferenc
Ferenc Farkas was one of Hungary’s most decisively important 20th-century composers.
He was born on 15 December, 1905 in Budapest. At the Academy of Music Budapest (1922–27) he was a pupil of Leó Weiner and Albert Siklós, then continued his studies in Rome at the Accademia di Santa Cecilia under the supervision of Ottorino Respighi. From 1935 he taught at the Higher Music School in Budapest, then at the Conservatoire in Kolozsvár, and later at the Székesfehérvár Conservatoire (he was also director of the latter two). In 1949 he was appointed teacher of composition at the Academy of Music Budapest, and as head of department he retired from there in 1965. He died in Budapest on 10 October, 2000.
Publications to celebrate the centenary of the composer’s birth
A selection from the solo and chamber works
All’antica viola da gambára (vagy gordonkára) és csembalóra (zongorára) / for viola da gamba (or violoncello) and harpsichord (piano) (1926) – Z. 4439
Ballada gordonkára és zongorára / Ballad for violoncello and piano (1963) – Z. 5296 Bihari román táncok hegedűre (brácsára, fuvolára vagy klarinétra) és zongorára / Rumanian Folk Dances from the County of Bihar for violin (viola, flute or clarinet) and piano (1950) – Z. 958 Contrafacta Hungarica két oboára, két klarinétra, két fagottra és két kürtre / for two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons and two horns (1974) – score and parts – Z. 12827 Correspondances. Nyolc zongoradarab / Eight piano pieces (1957) – Z. 12097 Gitárdalok énekhangra és gitárra. Három dal Dsida J. verseire / Guitar Songs for voice and guitar. Three songs on poems by J. Dsida (1983) – Z. 12897 Hybrides. Tíz zongoradarab / Ten piano pieces (1957) – Z. 12096 Maskarák oboára, klarinétra és fagottra / Maschere for oboe, clarinet and bassoon (1983) partitúra és szólamok score and parts – Z. 13127 Magyar táncok a 17. századból kamarazenekarra / Hungarian Dances from the 17th Century for chamber orchestra "Leggiero" – partitúra és szólamok / score and parts – Z. 14249 Naplójegyzetek 1986–1987 zongorára / Journal for piano (1986, 1987) 1–2. kötet / Vols. 1–2 – Z. 13804 Notturno hegedűre, brácsára és gordonkára / for violin, viola and violoncello (1929) – Z. 14465 Nyírbátori toronyzene rézfúvós együttesre / Kleine Turmmusik for brass ensemble (1967) – partitúra és szólamok – Z. 6714 |
Régi nóta, régi tánc. Két zongoradarab / Old Song, Old Dance. Two piano pieces (1955) – Z. 2202 |