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Lisztove separatne vydania
Liszt Separate Editions are published with scholarly authenticity and are based on the New Liszt Edition. Their musical scores and presentation correspond to the complete edition, but they cost much less than the larger volumes of the full set. Liszt Separate Editions exhibit the same quality as the complete critical edition while also being well-suited for practical use.In 2014 we started renewing the separate editions of solo piano works published in the New Liszt Complete Critical Edition. The renewed volumes provide not only authentic texts of the works based on scholarly research, but also earlier versions, manuscript facsimiles, and critical notes. Each volume contains prefaces in English and German which provide relevant information on the genesis and performance practice of the given work.
- Liszt: 2e Ballade (12699)
- Liszt: 3 Études de concert (15071)
- Liszt: Aux Cypres de la Villa d'Este No. 2 (8186)
- Liszt: The fountains at the Villa d'Este (8187)
- Liszt: Study in A minor (8156)
- Liszt: Ave Maria (12690)
- Liszt: Consolations (First version and revised version) - Madrigal (12697)
- Liszt: Apres une lecture du Dante (8189)
- Liszt: Eroica (6495)
- Liszt: Study in F minor (6498)
- Liszt: Au bord d'une source (8176)
- Liszt: Funérailles (12694)
- Liszt: Gaudeamus igitur (Humoresque) (12728)
- Liszt: Les cloches de Geneve (8180)
- Liszt: Dance Macabre (12718)
- Liszt: Harmonies du soir (6499)
- Liszt: Harmonies poétiques et religieuses (12312)
- Liszt: Chasse-neige (8160)
- Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 (8162)
- Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 3 (8163)
- Liszt: Christmas Tree (Nos 1-12) (12316)
- Liszt: Two Concert Studies, Ab irato, Morceau de salon (6502)
- Liszt: Two Legends (12313)
- Liszt: La campanella (12913)
- Liszt: Legendes No. 2 (facilitée version) (12767)
- Liszt: Ungarischer Marsch zur Krönungsfeier (12729)
- Liszt: Quatre valses oubliées (13950)
- Liszt: Vallée d'Obermann (8178)
- Liszt: Five Mephisto Waltzes - Mephisto Polka (13951)
- Liszt: Grand Etudes after Paganini (6500)
- Liszt: Ricordanza (6497)
- Liszt: Romance (12328)
- Liszt: Sunt lacrymae rerum - Marche funebre (8191)
- Liszt: Love's Dream (12707)
- Liszt: Sonata (12900)
- Liszt: Szózat and Hungarian Hymn (12730)
- Liszt: Tre sonetti del Petrarca (8183)
- Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 5 (8165)
- Liszt: Valse-Impromptu, Petite valse favorite (3868)
- Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 7 (8166)
41 položiek, 2. strán