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Absolute Beginners: Cajon

Setting: Cajon
Publisher: Wise Publications
Item number: AM1013848

The Absolute Beginners course has been designed to tell you everything you need to know from the very first time you pick up your instrument. With this superb book you get a comprehensive course featuring step-by-steppictureswhich take you from first day exercises to playing along…

Absolute Beginners: Cajon

Setting: Cajon
Genre: Method, Tutor
Publisher: Wise Publications
Item number: AM1007347

The Absolute Beginners course has been designed to tell you everything you need to know from the very first time you pick up your instrument. With this superb book you get a comprehensive course featuring step-by-steppictureswhich take you from first day exercises to playing along…

Price: $12.40 (Excl. VAT)

Cajon spielen und bauen

Edited by Neumann, Friedrich
Author: Noehring, Nis – Schmidt-Landmeier, Arend
Setting: Cajon
Publisher: Schott
Item number: ED20707
Ausgezeichnet mit dem VDS-Medienpreis 2010! Ein eigenes, hochwertiges Instrument bauen, das Design selber entwerfen und mit der Klasse, alleine oder in Gruppen verschiedenste Grooves einüben, vielleicht sogar ein Cajon-Ensemble gründen oder auf dem ''kleinsten Schlagzeug der Welt''…

Hal Leonard Cajon Method

Setting: Cajon
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL00138215
This beginner's guide for anyone learning to play the cajon takes you through the basics of the instrument and its techniques with dozens of exercises and over 30 grooves from many genres including rock, Latin, blues, jazz,flamenco, funk, and more. There are also more advanced…

Philipzen: Cajon Basics

Setting: Cajon
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: VOG0764
Price: $14.95 (Excl. VAT)

Wimberly, Michael: Getting Started on Cajón

Setting: Cajon
Genre: Study
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL00101799
Interest in hand drumming is on the rise, and this book/DVD pack will get beginning cajon players up and running with everything you need to know quickly, while still providing accurate and educationally correct information about the traditions andtechniques of the cajon. It contains…
Price: $18.60 (Excl. VAT)
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