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2535 items, 127 pages

Antoine Busnoys

Method, Meaning, and Context in Late Medieval Music

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Item number: OUP9780198164067

Antokoletz, Elliott – Wheeldon, Marianne: Rethinking Debussy

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Item number: OUP9780199755639

Anxiety Muted American Film Music

in a Suburban Age

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Item number: OUP9780199936151

Apel, Willi: Geschichte der Orgel- und Klaviermusik to 1700

Reprint der Ausgabe 1967

Edited by Rampe, Siegbert
Setting: Books
Publisher: Bärenreiter
Item number: BVK1668
Price: $51.60 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Applied Musicology Using Zygonic Theory

to Inform Music Education, Therapy, and Psychology Research

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Item number: OUP9780199607631

Arbeit am Kanon Band 51

Ästhetische Studien zur Musik von Haydn bis Webern

Publisher: Universal Edition
Item number: UE26851

Armbruster, Richard: Das Opernzitat bei Mozart

Setting: Books
Publisher: Bärenreiter
Item number: BVK1564
Price: $63.30 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Arranging Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue

and the Creation of an American Icon

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Item number: OUP9780199978373

Artful-Playful-Mindful in Action

Publisher: Schott
Item number: SMC580

Arvo Pärt: Tabula rasa Vol. 8

Listening Lab ? Materials for communicating music

Publisher: Universal Edition
Item number: UE26322

Aschauer, Mario: Handbuch Clavier-Schulen

32 deutsche Lehrwerke des 18. Jahrhunderts im Überblick

Setting: Books
Publisher: Bärenreiter
Item number: BVK2212
Price: $51.60 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Ashbrook, William – Guccini, Gerardo: Mefistofele di Arrigo Boito

Collana di Disposizioni Sceniche

Genre: Book
Publisher: Ricordi
Item number: NR13504404
Price: $77.30 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Atkinson, Charles M.: The Critical Nexus Tone-System

Mode, and Notation in Early Medieval Music

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Item number: OUP9780190273996

Audacious Euphony

Chromatic Harmony and the Triad's Second Nature

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Item number: OUP9780199772698

Auf dem Weg zur musikalischen Symbiose

Die Komponistin Younghi Pagh-Paan

Edited by Maurer Zenck, Claudia
Publisher: Schott
Item number: NZ5044

Aufgehobene Erschöpfung

Der Komponist Mauricio Kagel

Edited by Jungheinrich, Hans-Klaus
Publisher: Schott
Item number: NZ5020

Aural Skills Acquisition

The Development of Listening, Reading, and Performing Skills in College-Level Musicians

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Item number: OUP9780195117851

Ausgewählte Dokumente zum Nachwirken Johann Sebastian Bachs 1801-1850 (NBA) IX/Supp. 6


Edited by Bach-Archiv Leipzig
Setting: Books
Series: New Bach Edition
Publisher: Bärenreiter
Item number: BVK1924
Price: $395.20 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Axelrod, John: Wie grossartige Musik entsteht... oder auch nicht

Ansichten eines Dirigenten

Translated by Bayerl, Sabine
Setting: Books
Period: Romantic
Publisher: Bärenreiter
Item number: BVK2293

Baade, Christina L.: Victory through Harmony

The BBC and Popular Music in World War II

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Item number: OUP9780195372014
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