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576 items, 29 pages

Bojtár László: Oboaművek zongorakísérettel

Setting: Oboe and Piano
Period: 20th Century
Publisher: Bojtár Zenei Bt.
Item number: BZB4
Price: $29.40 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Bojtár László: Scherzo 2 oboára zongorakísérettel

Setting: More Oboes and Piano
Period: 20th Century
Publisher: Bojtár Zenei Bt.
Item number: BZB5
Price: $21.00 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Bojtár László: Változatok egy mohácsi népdalra

Setting: Oboe and Piano
Period: 20th Century
Publisher: Bojtár Zenei Bt.
Item number: BZB3
Price: $12.60 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Bojtár László: Zeneszerző - arcképek egy gyermekdal tükrében


Setting: Oboe
Publisher: Bojtár Zenei Bt.
Item number: BZB63

Boone, Charles: Vermilion Hautbois Seul

Setting: Oboe
Publisher: Salabert
Item number: SLB00446200
Price: $10.30 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Boone, Charles: Zephyrus Hautbois-Piano

Setting: Oboe and Piano
Period: 20th Century
Publisher: Salabert
Item number: SLB00447000
Price: $10.30 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Borlói Rudolf: Szonett és rondó

Setting: Oboe and Piano
Period: 20th Century
Publisher: Bojtár Zenei Bt.
Item number: BZB31
Price: $15.40 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Borovetskaja G.: Reader for Oboe (III form)

Setting: Oboe
Publisher: Compozitor
Item number: 9790660001875

Borovetskaja G.: Reader for Oboe (IV form)

Setting: Oboe
Publisher: Compozitor
Item number: 9790660001899

Borovetskaja G.: Reader for Oboe (V form)

Setting: Oboe
Publisher: Compozitor
Item number: 9790660002377

Borovetskaja G.: Reader for Oboe with Methodical Indications (I-II forms)

Setting: Oboe
Publisher: Compozitor
Item number: 9790660028223

Boutry, Roger: Sonatine pour Hautbois et Piano

Setting: Oboe and Piano
Publisher: Salabert
Item number: SLB00164800
Price: $16.50 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

Boutry, Roger: Theme Varie Hautbois Seul

Setting: Oboe
Publisher: Salabert
Item number: SLB00177200
Price: $5.20 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Bozay Attila: Two Movements

Setting: Oboe and Piano
Period: 20th Century
Publisher: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Item number: 6557
Price: $14.45 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Bozza, Eugéne: 3 pieces pour une musique de nuit flute trav. hautbois clar basson partition

Setting: Oboe
Publisher: Alphonse Leduc
Item number: AL21306
Price: $24.60 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Bozza, Eugéne: Conte Pastorale

Setting: Oboe and Piano
Publisher: Alphonse Leduc
Item number: AL21305
Price: $14.21 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Bozza, Eugéne: Sonate

Setting: Oboe and Piano
Publisher: Alphonse Leduc
Item number: AL24489

Britten, Benjamin: Sechs Metamorphosen nach Ovid op. 49

Setting: Oboe
Period: 20th Century
Publisher: Boosey and Hawkes
Item number: BH2200008

Britten, Benjamin: Temporal Variations (oboe and piano)

Setting: Oboe and Piano
Publisher: Faber Music
Item number: 0571505910
Price: $15.67 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Britten, Benjamin: Two Insect Pieces (oboe and piano)

Setting: Oboe and Piano
Publisher: Faber Music
Item number: 0571505929
Price: $14.55 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days
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