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Billé, Isaia: Nuovo Metodo per contrabbasso a 4 e 5 corde
Vol. 3: III Corso Pratico
Blackwell, David: String Time Joggers
Blackwell, David – Blackwell, Kathy: String Time Joggers
14 pieces for flexible ensemble
Bleier, Paul: Einführung in das Kontrabassspiel
für Schulen und Spielkreise
Bob Cranshaw Bass Lines - Transcribed From Volume 42
Boivin, Philippe: 5 Algorithmes
Bottesini, Giovanni: Doublebass Concerto in B minor
Bottesini, Giovanni: Elegia in Re
per contrabbasso e pianoforte
Bottesini, Giovanni: Grande Allegro di Concero
Per contrabbasso e pianoforte, a cura di Trebbi
Bottesini, Giovanni: Metodo per contrabbasso
Revisione e Adattamento per Strumento a 4 corde
Bottesini, Giovanni: Nel Cor Piu Non Mi Sento (Arietta di G. Paisiello). Tema E
Variazioni per Cb. e pianoforte
Bottesini, Giovanni: Selected Pieces
Bottesini, Giovanni: Studi (tratti dal
Metodo per contrabbasso
Boutry, Roger: Mouvements Contrebasse-Piano
Bozza, Eugéne: Prélude et Allegro
pour Contrebasse á cordes ou Tuba Ut ou Saxhorn basse Sib ou Trombone basse et Piano
Brahms, Johannes: Concerto
for Violin and Orchestra
Johannes Brahms' Violin Concerto, written for his friend Joseph Joachim, has remained a standard in the concert literature since its first performance. No scholarly critical edition of this work hasever been published and therefore the many, sometimes conflicting, sources have…
Brunner, Adolf: Gespräch Jesu mit Nikodemus
Sacred Concerto
Bryars, Gavin: Tre Laude Dolçe
arranged for solo double bass
Bull, Christoper – Goodborn, Olive – Rogers, Christopher: Team Strings 2. Double Bass
Bull, Christoper – Goodborn, Olive – Rogers, Christopher: Team Strings 2. Double Bass (with CD)
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