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390 items, 20 pages

Billé, Isaia: Nuovo Metodo per contrabbasso a 4 e 5 corde

Parte I: II. Corso Pratico

Setting: Double Bass
Publisher: Ricordi
Item number: ER00026200
Price: $17.40 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Billé, Isaia: Nuovo Metodo per contrabbasso a 4 e 5 corde

Parte I: Iv. Corso Complementare

Setting: Double Bass
Publisher: Ricordi
Item number: ER00026400
Price: $19.90 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Billé, Isaia: Nuovo Metodo per contrabbasso a 4 e 5 corde

Parte II: Iv. Corso Normale (Vol. V)

Setting: Double Bass
Genre: Pedagogical performance pieces
Publisher: Ricordi
Item number: ER00030300
Price: $19.90 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Billé, Isaia: Nuovo Metodo per contrabbasso a 4 e 5 corde

Parte II: V Corso Pratico

Setting: Double Bass
Publisher: Ricordi
Item number: ER00030400
Price: $21.30 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Billé, Isaia: Nuovo Metodo per contrabbasso a 4 e 5 corde

Vol. 3: III Corso Pratico

Setting: Double Bass
Publisher: Ricordi
Item number: ER00026300
Price: $15.95 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Blackwell, David: String Time Joggers

Setting: Double Bass
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Item number: OUP9780193359703

Blackwell, David – Blackwell, Kathy: String Time Joggers

14 pieces for flexible ensemble

Setting: Double Bass
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Item number: 9780193359703

Blackwell, David – Blackwell, Kathy: String Time Starters Double Bass

21 Pieces for Flexible String Ensemble

Setting: Double Bass
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Item number: OUP193411616

Bleier, Paul: Einführung in das Kontrabassspiel

für Schulen und Spielkreise

Setting: Double Bass
Publisher: Schott
Item number: ED4196

Bob Cranshaw Bass Lines - Transcribed From Volume 42

Edited by Aebersold, Jamey
Author: Cranshaw, Bob
Setting: Double Bass, Bass Guitar
Series: Jamey Aebersold Jazz
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Jamey Aebersold Jazz
Item number: 635621500204

Boivin, Philippe: 5 Algorithmes

Setting: Double Bass
Publisher: Salabert
Item number: SLB00266500
Price: $13.40 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Bottesini, Giovanni: Capriccio di Bravura

Per contrabbasso, a cura di Trebbi

Setting: Double Bass
Period: Romantic
Publisher: Zanibon
Item number: ZAN00637600
Price: $10.75 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 90 days

Bottesini, Giovanni: Doublebass Concerto in B minor

Edited by Trumpf, Klaus
Setting: Double Bass and Piano
Publisher: Breitkopf & Härtel
Item number: EB8530
Price: $23.40 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Bottesini, Giovanni: Elegia in Re

per contrabbasso e pianoforte

Setting: Double Bass and Piano
Period: Romantic
Publisher: Ricordi
Item number: ER00063600
Price: $8.88 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Bottesini, Giovanni: Grande Allegro di Concero

Per contrabbasso e pianoforte, a cura di Trebbi

Setting: Double Bass and Piano
Period: Romantic
Publisher: Zanibon
Item number: ZAN00624000
Price: $8.88 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Bottesini, Giovanni: Metodo per contrabbasso

Revisione e Adattamento per Strumento a 4 corde

Setting: Double Bass
Publisher: Ricordi
Item number: ER00247900
Price: $24.15 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Bottesini, Giovanni: Nel Cor Piu Non Mi Sento (Arietta di G. Paisiello). Tema E

Variazioni per Cb. e pianoforte

Setting: Double Bass and Piano
Publisher: Ricordi
Item number: ER00063400
Price: $11.49 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Bottesini, Giovanni: Selected Pieces

Edited by Trumpf, Klaus
Setting: Double Bass and Piano
Publisher: Breitkopf & Härtel
Item number: DV32093
Price: $30.50 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Bottesini, Giovanni: Studi (tratti dal

Metodo per contrabbasso

Setting: Double Bass
Publisher: Ricordi
Item number: ER00308200

Boutry, Roger: Mouvements Contrebasse-Piano

Setting: Double Bass, Double Bass and Piano
Publisher: Salabert
Item number: SLB00444600
Price: $20.60 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days
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