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251 items, 13 pages

Carter, Benny: Easy Money

Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Series

Instrumentation by Clayton, John
Setting: Jazz ensemble, Big Band
Series: Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL07011047
Price: $74.80 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

Carter, Benny: Easy Money Full Score

Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Series

Setting: Jazz ensemble, Big Band
Series: Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL07011048
Price: $9.35 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

Celebration Suite - I. Jig

as recorded by Bob Brookmeyer and the New Art Orchestra

Setting: Big Band
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Advance Music
Item number: ADV31008-01

Celebration Suite - I. Jig

as recorded by Bob Brookmeyer and the New Art Orchestra

Setting: Big Band
Publisher: Advance Music
Item number: ADV31008

Celebration Suite - II. Slow Dance

as recorded by Bob Brookmeyer and the New Art Orchestra

Setting: Big Band
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Advance Music
Item number: ADV31009-01

Celebration Suite - II. Slow Dance

as recorded by Bob Brookmeyer and the New Art Orchestra

Setting: Big Band
Publisher: Advance Music
Item number: ADV31009

Celebration Suite - III. Remembering

as recorded by Bob Brookmeyer and the New Art Orchestra

Setting: Big Band
Publisher: Advance Music
Item number: ADV31010

Celebration Suite - III. Remembering

as recorded by Bob Brookmeyer and the New Art Orchestra

Setting: Big Band
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Advance Music
Item number: ADV31010-01

Celebration Suite - IV. Two And

as recorded by Bob Brookmeyer and the New Art Orchestra

Setting: Big Band
Publisher: Advance Music
Item number: ADV31011

Celebration Suite - IV. Two And

as recorded by Bob Brookmeyer and the New Art Orchestra

Setting: Big Band
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Advance Music
Item number: ADV31011-01

Children's Hour Of Dream Full Score

Charles Mingus Big Band Jazz

Setting: Jazz ensemble, Big Band
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL07010958
Price: $9.35 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

Clayton, John: Groove Shop

Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Series

Setting: Jazz ensemble, Big Band
Series: Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL07010959
Price: $74.80 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

Clayton, John: Groove Shop Full Score

Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Series

Setting: Jazz ensemble, Big Band
Series: Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL07010960
Price: $9.35 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Clayton, John: I Be Serious 'bout Dem Blues

Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Series

Setting: Jazz ensemble, Big Band
Series: Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL07011239
Price: $74.80 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

Clayton, John: I Be Serious 'bout Dem Blues Full Score

Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Series

Setting: Jazz ensemble, Big Band
Series: Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL07011240
Price: $9.35 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

Clayton, John: Nice to Meet You

Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Series

Setting: Jazz ensemble, Big Band
Series: Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL07010756
Price: $74.80 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Clayton, John: Nice To Meet You Full Score

Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Series

Setting: Jazz ensemble, Big Band
Series: Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL07010757
Price: $9.35 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

Clayton, John: Plunger Mute Syndrome (Trombone Feature)

Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Series

Setting: Jazz ensemble, Big Band
Series: Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL07011584
Price: $74.80 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

Clayton, John: Plunger Mute Syndrome Full Score

Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Series

Setting: Jazz ensemble, Big Band
Series: Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL07011585
Price: $6.60 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

Clayton, John: Reverence

Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Series

Setting: Jazz ensemble, Big Band
Series: Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra
Genre: Jazz, blues, latin
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL07011447
Price: $74.80 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days
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