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8176 items, 409 pages

A Christmas Trilogy

Instrumentation by Osterling, Eric
Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL22603030
Price: $56.10 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

A Christmas Portrait

Instrumentation by Nowak, Jerry
Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL04014785
Price: $88.00 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

A Classical Christmas

Instrumentation by Marshall, David
Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL04001012
Price: $50.00 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 90 days

A Country Christmas Full Score

Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL04000601
Price: $7.50 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 90 days

A Disney March Spectacular

Instrumentation by Ricketts, Ted
Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL04000827
Price: $88.00 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

A Disney March Spectacular Full Score

Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL04000828
Price: $12.65 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

A Disneyland Celebration

Instrumentation by Brown, Michael
Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL04001055
Price: $88.00 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

A Fantasy Of Carols

Symphonic/Concert Band Series

Instrumentation by Bocook, Jay
Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL23423028
Price: $100.10 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

A Festive Christmas

Instrumentation by Bierschenk, Kenny
Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Christmas music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL40001165
Price: $100.10 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

A Festive Christmas Celebration (band With Opt. Choir) Full Score

Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL04001122
Price: $9.35 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

A Festive Christmas Celebration (with opt. choir)

Instrumentation by Moss, John – Snyder, Audrey
Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL04001121
Price: $88.00 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

A Fresh Aire Christmas

Instrumentation by Davis, Chip
Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL08721344
Price: $81.40 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum Selections From

Instrumentation by Moss, John
Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL04000620
Price: $55.00 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 90 days

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum Selections From Full Score

Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL04000621
Price: $7.50 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 90 days

A Gathering Of Angels

Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL00190046
Price: $8.00 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 90 days

A Haydn Classic Score

Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL00190080
Price: $8.00 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 90 days

A Holiday Sing-Along

(with opt. Choir)

Instrumentation by Moss, John – Snyder, Audrey
Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL08724838
Price: $69.30 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

A Holiday Sing-along (with Opt. Choir) Full Score

Discovery Plus Concert Band

Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL08724839
Price: $6.60 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

A Holiday Swing-along Full Score

Discovery Plus Concert Band

Setting: Concert Band
Genre: Band Music
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL08724813
Price: $9.35 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 30 days

A Legacy In Sound

Instrumentation by Smith, Robert W.
Setting: Concert Band
Publisher: HEBU Musikverlag GmbH
Item number: C0272B1X
Price: $89.65 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 90 days
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