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760 items, 38 pages

Bach, Johann Sebastian: Air BWV 1068

from the Orchestral Suite No. 3

Arranged by Birtel, Wolfgang
Setting: Viola and piano
Publisher: Schott
Item number: ED09986

Bach, Johann Sebastian: Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 BWV 1051

(Instrumental Ensemble)

Setting: Viola and piano
Period: Baroque
Publisher: Edition Peters
Item number: EP71029
Price: $22.23 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Bach, Johann Christian: Concerto en ut mineur pour alto & orchestre

(Reconstitution et harmonisation de Henri Casadesus)

Setting: Viola and piano
Period: Classic
Publisher: Salabert
Item number: SLB00392000
Price: $16.60 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Bach, Johann Christian: Concerto en ut mineur

pour alto et piano

Setting: Viola and piano
Period: Baroque
Publisher: Salabert
Item number: SLB02032701
Price: $19.60 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Bach, Johann Christian: Concerto in C minor


Setting: Viola and piano
Period: Baroque
Publisher: Edition Peters
Item number: EP8878

Bach, Johann Sebastian: Concerto in E-flat major

for Viola, Strings and Basso continuo

Setting: Viola and piano
Period: Baroque
Publisher: Bärenreiter
Item number: BA5149A
Price: $16.60 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 90 days

Bach, Johann Sebastian: Fantasia Cromatica

Setting: Viola
Publisher: Boosey and Hawkes
Item number: BH1100002

Bach, Johann Sebastian: Hat Szvit BWV 1007-1012

Setting: Viola
Period: Baroque
Publisher: Ricordi
Item number: ER00266700
Price: $16.83 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich: Jesu Joy Mans Desiring

Setting: Viola and piano
Period: Baroque
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Item number: OUP193552639

Bach, Johann Sebastian: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring BWV 147

Chorale from the Cantata No. 147 ''Heart and Mouth and Deed and Life''

Arranged by Birtel, Wolfgang
Setting: Viola and piano
Publisher: Schott
Item number: ED09865

Bach, Johann Sebastian: Sonata in G Minor BWV 1020

Edited by Dinn, Freda
Setting: Viola and piano
Publisher: Schott
Item number: ED11264

Bach, Johann Sebastian: Sonatas for Viola da Gamba and Harpsichord BWV 1027-1029

(Heinemann, Ernst-Günter)

Setting: Viola and piano
Period: Baroque
Publisher: G. Henle Verlag
Item number: HN0684
Price: $24.95 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Bach, Johann Sebastian: Sonate e Partite per violino Solo, BWV 1001-1006

Trascrizione per viola di Enrico Polo

Setting: Viola
Period: Baroque
Publisher: Ricordi
Item number: ER00220800
Price: $16.50 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Bach, Johann Sebastian: Sonate e Partite per violino Solo, BWV 1001-1006

Trascrizione per viola di Bennici

Setting: Viola
Period: Baroque
Publisher: Ricordi
Item number: ER00287300
Price: $25.01 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Bach, Johann Sebastian: Suiten für Violoncello 1

transcribed for Viola

Edited by Spindler, Fritz
Setting: Viola
Period: Baroque
Publisher: Friedrich Hofmeister
Item number: FH2008
Price: $12.75 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 90 days

Bach, Johann Sebastian: Suiten für Violoncello 2

transcribed for Viola

Edited by Spindler, Fritz
Setting: Viola
Period: Baroque
Publisher: Friedrich Hofmeister
Item number: FH2009
Price: $12.75 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships in 90 days

Bach, Johann Sebastian: The Solo Cello Suites (Viola)

(Trans. Forbes)

Setting: Viola
Period: Baroque
Publisher: Chester Music
Item number: CH01401
Price: $16.90 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Available

Badelt, Klaus: Pirates of the Caribbean

Instrumental Play-along

Setting: Viola
Series: Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along
Genre: Film & Musical
Publisher: Music Sales
Item number: HL00842191
Price: $18.15 (Excl. VAT)
Store availability: Usually ships within 15 days

Baird, Tadeusz: Concerto lugubre for Viola and Orchestra

Setting: Viola and piano
Period: 20th Century
Publisher: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne (PWM)
Item number: PWM10330
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