Bach, Johann Sebastian
Baklanova, Natalja
Balogh Máté
Bárdos Lajos
Bartók Béla
Bella Máté
Boccherini, Luigi
Brahms, Johannes
Caldara, Antonio
Chabran, Francesco
Debussy, Claude
Dobos Kálmán
Dohnányi Ernő
Elgar, Edward William
Farkas Ferenc
Fauré, Gabriel
Goens, Daniel van
Goltermann, Georg
Gounod, Charles
Granados, Enrique
Hajdu Mihály
Händel, Georg Friedrich
Hook, James
Horusitzky Zoltán
Járdányi Pál
Kadosa Pál
Kocsár Miklós
Kodály Zoltán
Kondor Ádám
Kósa György
Kühnel, August
Kutrik Bence
Leclair, Jean-Marie ("le cadet")
Lee, Sebastian
Lendvay Kamilló
Lisznyay Szabó Gábor
Liszt Ferenc
Marcello, Benedetto
Marie, Gabriel
Maros Rudolf
Martini, Giovanni Battista
Massenet, Jules
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix
Mező Imre
Mihály András
Offenbach, Jacques
Papp Lajos
Paradis, Maria Theresia von
Pejtsik Árpád
Popper, David
Porpora, Nicola
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai
Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio
Rubinstein, Anton Grigoriewitsch
Saint-Saëns, Camille
Sári József
Schenk, Johannes
Schubert, Franz
Schumann, Robert
Szabó Ferenc
Székely Endre
Szőnyi Erzsébet
Szunyogh Balázs
Tartini, Giuseppe
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich
Telemann, Georg Philipp
Vecsey Ferenc
Vivaldi, Antonio
Weiner Leó
Wolf Péter
Brodszky Ferenc (edited by)
Brodszky Ferenc (transcribed and edited by)
Brodszky Ferenc (the piano accompaniment has been revised, and in some instances completed by)
Csáth Emőke Vasváry Zoltánné (compiled by)
Csáth Emőke Vasváry Zoltánné (compiled with violoncello part arranged by)
Csíky Boldizsár (arranged by)
Davidoff, C. (transcribed by)
Delsart, J. (transcribed by)
Fitzenhagen, Wilhelm (transcribed by)
Fodor Ákos (piano score by)
Friss Antal (edited by)
Ginsburg, Lev S. (edited by)
Goltermann, Georg (transcribed by)
Grützmacher, Friedrich (transcribed by)
Halász Kálmán (transcribed by)
Homolya István (edited by)
Kistler-Liebendörfer, Bernhard (transcribed by)
Klengel, Julius (transcribed by)
Kocsis Zoltán (transcribed by)
Koloss István (edited by)
Lengyel Endre (edited by)
Lengyel Endre (transcribed and edited by)
Liebner János (transcribed by)
Máriássy István (edited by)
Máriássy István (transcribed and edited by)
Máriássy István (continuo realized by)
Martos László (piano score by)
Mező Imre (transcribed by)
Mező Imre (piano score by)
Mező László (transcribed by)
Mező László (edited by)
Nachéz, T. (transcribed by)
Nagy Olivér (piano score by)
Orbán György (edited by)
Orbán György (edited by)
Papp Lajos (transcribed by)
Pejtsik Árpád (transcribed and edited by)
Pejtsik Árpád (edited by)
Pejtsik Árpád (compiled and edited by)
Pejtsik Árpád (transcribed by)
Pejtsik Árpád (edited by)
Pejtsik Árpád (arranged by)
Pejtsik Árpád (solo part edited by)
Perényi Miklós (edited by)
Perényi Miklós (bowing and fingering by)
Popper, David (transcribed by)
Somló Klára (transcribed by)
Somló Klára (bowing and fingering by)
Szeredi-Saupe Gusztáv (edited by)
Vigh Lajos (arranged by)
Vigh Lajos (continuo realized by)
Wilheim András (edited by)