Bach, Johann Sebastian Chopin, Frédéric Händel, Georg Friedrich Joplin, Scott Lőrincz Albert Schubert, Franz Szász Szabolcs Vas Gábor Bartók Karola (edited by) Bartók Karola (transcribed by) Bartók Karola (compiled and transcribed by) Bogár István (author) Bogár István (transcribed by) Ernyei László (selected and transcribed by) Ernyei László (transcribed and edited by) Kardos István (arranged by) Kola József (transcribed by) Kola József (arranged by) Kola József (edited by) Lukács Dénes (edited by) Várhelyi Antal (author) Vas Gábor (transcribed by) Vas Gábor (selected and arranged by) Vas Gábor (compiled and transcribed by) Veszprémi Lili (edited by)