New book within the Kodály Concept Library

The book titled A Practical Approach to Viennese Classical Music supports conservatory students (aged 14–22) and their teachers with a collection of carefully selected material from which to learn the necessary musical concepts and practical knowledge of music theory, form, and harmony.

The target era is the Viennese Classical period. The focus is on the greatest representatives of their time: Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven.

The book concentrates on the practical aspects of studying music theory, form, and harmony. This means that all musical concepts become practical knowledge and are integrated into skills that a cultured musician needs (score reading, writing, singing or playing, composing, memorizing, transposing, arranging, analyzing, and so on).

The first volume of the publication, A Practical Approach to Harmony: From the Birth of Polyphony to the Baroque Era, was published in 2015.


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