To begin with he was influenced by avantgarde music trends, then his art turned towards neoromanticism. He is an important vocal composer, in whose art elements of characteristically Hungarian tradition inspired by folk music are mingled with grotesque, humorous, at times satirical elements. He often evokes the ideals of earlier musical periods in terms of sound and form. The most important characteristics of his music are sound that is naturally beautiful and harmonious formal proportions in the classical sense. In addition to compositions for the theatre, oratorios and instrumental and vocal works, he has written incidental music for films and the stage.
György Orbán was born on July 12,
1947 in Marosvásárhely (Romania). Between 1968 and 1973, at the Music Academy in Kolozsvár he studied composition under the supervision of Sigismund Toduţă and Max Eisikovits, and learned music theory under the guidance of János Jagamas. From 1973 until 1979 he taught music theory and counterpoint there. After moving to Hungary, from 1979 to 1990 he was a music editor with Editio Musica Budapest, and since 1982 has been a professor of music theory and composition at the Music Academy in Budapest.
His prizes and awards
Bartók–Pásztory Award (1991); Erkel Prize (2002); Artisjus Prize (2005); Kossuth Prize (2014)